California City Element

California City Element:Um, because the clientele is mostly black, to answer my own question.
Rick Flowers, who with his wife Annie Weatherby-Flowers, are owners of R Place, the only black bar in Madison. For now, at least (Courtesy: CapTiimes)

And it’s not always the fault of the owners or the patrons that there’s an element that does want to prey on other black people. We don’t deny it. The cops should be on to these idiots and put the scare on them so that they don’t show up. Unfortunately, as I have said before, the authorities, residents and neighboring store owners NEVER separate those blacks who are acting a fool from those who are simply wanting a place in which to hang out. They lump us all together. We ain’t all like that.

Plus, the cops have a weird set of priorities. They’d rather crack on anything black they think is moving sideways, especially if it’s across the street from Maple Bluff, home to the Wisconsin governor’s mansion, and an exclusive gated community that borders Sherman Avenue within Madison. And why is there a double standard regarding protecting students on State Street and environs from getting drunk and out of line and not providing even one squad car to R Place on Park or A Place for Friends, to prevent this kind of behavior from manifesting? Why is it blacks’ responsibility to “clean up” the aberrant behavior when the cops are there to do just that? Aren’t they black people’s cops, too? We pay taxes to pay these cops. Separate the idiots from the customers, and let the bars go on as they are.

But for authorities, it would just be too hard. Screw pissing off law-abiding blacks who want to have fun and entertainment. Somehow, that’s looking like the real crime: that blacks are getting way too comfortable in Madison. They don’t belong here in Cheeseland. And look what they did to Milwaukee… WATCH NOW:

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