There's not much to the video. He just stands in front of a white background singing about how great he can make some lucky lady's life ("I can change your life, make it so new/ Make you never want to go back to the old you"), and sometimes he’ll bust out a nunchuck trick. (Special shout-out to MTV for choosing the perfect "I Ain't a Monster" screenshot above.)
The whole Transformers thing is so strange in timing it makes us think he recorded it as a theme song for the summer blockbuster but Michael Bay was all, "Thanks for the input, Chris, but I think we're going to go with someone who's done a little less Rihanna assaulting. Linkin Park, you're in."
And that brings us to what people will always remember about Chris' career: Rihanna. In an effort to combat this, it appears he's using Twitter to show how much he's grown as a person since his assault conviction. Yesterday, in addition to announcing the Dec. 15 release date of this album Graffiti, he also posted this video: