We’ve always known McDonalds can make you fat. Now it can make you rich, too. Until November 6th, you can use game pieces from McD’s food items and go online for a chance to win all kinds of prizes, including cash, coke points, free McD’s food, Shell Gift cards, X-Box systems, the $100,000 jackpot, or a million dollars (given away every day).
You can get game pieces from Angus Burgers, Chicken McNuggets (20 piece and 10 piece), large fries, medium and large fountain drinks, large hot McCafe drinks and hash browns. Since no purchase is necessary, you can also write in by November 2 and get a game piece by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope (and other info) to 2009 MONOPOLY at McDonald’s Free Game Piece Request, P.O. Box 49189, Strongsville, OH 44149-0189.
You can also play via mobile and via Facebook. There are both instant win contests as well as collect-and-win (it’s like the real monopoly game, where you try to collect all the properties in one color group.) There is a limit of ten codes per day (could you imagine getting more than 10 items at McDonalds in one day??)
Are any of you guys playing? Suddenly I’m craving fries and and McNuggets…and maybe some hash browns…and an Angus burger…and a McCafe latte… Are these contests smart marketing or a bad way to make us eat way too much? Probably both.
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