However, there is not a single copy of that Carrie Prejean sextape video available, for free or not, out there on the web. For a very simple reason: Carrie Prejean was 17 when that sextape of video was made. Thus means that the video is in fact child pornography:
You've got to be 18 to exercise your constitutionally protected rights to free speech by stripping off and having sex of any kind on camera. If you're a day below that age then it isn't free speech, it's child pornography. And those who sell it, those who distribute it and even, in certain places, those who watch it inadvertently can go to jail.
Now does anyone think that any identifiable, let alone anyone with a reputation or known address, is going to risk that sort of punishment simply to get a sextape onto the internet? No, quite. There are plenty of companies out there who have been absolutely delighted to market and distribute earlier sextapes made by other people: and not on single one of them will get involved with this Carrie Prejean sextape. For if they did they would be going off to jail very shortly to do some hard time.
Which means that all of those sites and comments offering the "Carrie Prejean sextape video free" and the like are simply lying. It's a come on, an attempt to sucker you in. It will almost certainly be a malware site (although I wouldn't put it past someone or other to set it up as a Rickroll). In order to watch the supposed Prejean sex tape you'll be asked to download a new video driver or perhaps video player. At which point the download will be able to take over your computer and you'll have a heavily infected lump of junk.
Just don't do it people: just don't even try to find the Carrie Prejean sextape video for free or for pay. It simply won't exist anywhere and all you'll be able to get is tricked into infecting your own computer.
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