I personally think he is mistaken and that sometime starting after the New Year you'll start seeing how bogus this is, but here are the headlines:
• "Positive U.S. Economic Data"
• "U.S. Recovery Buoys the Bulls"
• "U.S. Stocks Rise"
• "The GDP Is Up"
Obama had this to say: "We can see clearly now that the steps my administration is taking are making a difference... blunting the worst of this recession and helping to bring about its conclusion."
Now, here are some pesky "oh gee, there goes Glenn again" facts:
Yes, the GDP was up, but unemployment continues to heads towards double digits and currently stands at 9.8 percent.
And while they — rightly so — pat themselves on the back and celebrate the GDP increase of 3.5 percent, I would just like to point out that number was inflated by stimulus money.
They patted themselves on the back again on "cash for clunkers" — again, let me point out, stimulus money.
They are also touting the fact they have "created or saved" 650,000-some jobs with stimulus funding. I would love to give you credit for that, but I don't know how to measure a "saved" job? Even David Gregory, is skeptical on that one:
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