Flapdoodle Changes due to Climate

The Wall Street Journal risked their mainstream media credibility yesterday by not using a Daily Kos approved narrative in reporting on our climate change position, have a look:

The president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, faced with a handful of company defections over the group's position on climate-change policy, blasted Apple Inc. for "misstating" its stance on the issue and suggested that the departures were part of an orchestrated campaign to embarrass the chamber...Mr. Donohue spoke at a news conference organized by the chamber on Thursday, in the wake of the member defections.

Mr. Donohue said his group was "for federal legislation to control and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions," but that it believed a proposal approved by the House of Representatives in June to cut U.S. emissions 17% beneath 2005 levels by 2020 was flawed. That measure would "significantly raise energy prices, throw more American out of work" and potentially put U.S. companies at a disadvantage to competitors in countries that do not limit emissions, such as China, he said.

Mr. Donohue said his group, which claims 300,000 members, supported efforts to fight climate change through federal investments and incentives to develop alternative forms of energy that can be produced without emitting carbon dioxide. He said President Barack Obama and many lawmakers have expressed preference for tackling climate change through new legislation, rather than through the Clean Air Act, which gives the Environmental Protection Agency limited leeway to consider cost in setting regulations.

Over the summer, the chamber petitioned the EPA to hold a hearing on the evidence that the agency had considered when it concluded earlier in the year that greenhouse gases endanger public health and welfare -- the legal standard for regulating them under the Clean Air Act.

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