Today is Friday 13th. A day ominous for many people! Many of the people around world are rearranging their travel plans, postponing functions, attending prayers and may not even stepping out of their house.
Why all this fear about Friday 13th? The fear is in association with triskaidekaphobia, the fear of the number 13. This fear might also have originated after the crucification of Jesus Christ, who was crucified on a Friday after a Last Supper attended by 13 people.
There is also a common assumption that the year 2009 is bad for many people. Many in the business field felt a mighty beat of recession during this year. None of the movies or art festivals could really make a wave among the public. Upon that there are many losses, epidemics, accidents that are happening in the world too.
The above incidents coupled with the fear of number 13.
The above incidents coupled with the fear of number 13 and Friday prompt many people to confine to a secure place. However there is a good news for those who fear the Friday 13th.
This year Black Friday is happening prior to the traditional day. Owing to the slump in the economy retailers are attempting to catch shoppers even earlierthan that by making their Black Friday sales ads. Traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year, the day after Thanksgiving has come to be called Black Friday.
This will come as blessing for many people. Many young adults who work on black Friday can plan in advance for their shopping. Retailers have already started deals publicized onlineor elsewherefor this year’s Black Friday.
Tags: friday 13, travel plans, triskaidekaphobia, number 13, crucification, jesus christ, last supper, art festivals, movies, epidemics.
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