Big Brother 11 Episode 21 Reveals Power of Veto Winner

Big Brother 11 episode 21 aired Tuesday night. In Big Brother 11 episode 21 CBS viewers got to find out who won the power of veto competition and whether or not the veto winner decided to use it to
Big Brother 11 Episode 21 Reveals Power of Veto Winner
change the nominations in the house. Big Brother 11 viewers will remember back to the Sunday episode where everyone found out that Jeff had won the head of household competition. In Big Brother 11 episode 19, the head of household competition had run long, so they kept the footage and used it as a big reveal in the Sunday episode of the show, giving CBS a bit of extra footage to fill the hour with.

Once Jeff won the head of household, both sides of the house tried to convince him to spare them, but in the end Jeff, with the help of Jordan, ended up placing Kevin and Natalie on the block as his nominations for eviction. It allowed Russell and Michele to feel safe for a little while longer, but not completely safe, as it left room for one of them to be back-doored if they didn't gain control of the power of veto. Tuesday's Big Brother 11 episode 21 airing was to show off that very power of veto competition, to be followed by the power of veto ceremony to finish off the show. Sitting back and thinking about it later, Big Brother 11 episode 21 certainly did not disappoint.

Heading into the final Big Brother 11 power of veto where there would be six people playing, it meant that everyone in the house would get a chance to control the power for a short time.
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Big Brother 11 is down to 5 houseguests after Russell was evicted by a vote of 3-0. Russell kept his promise to raise hell if he was put on the block after the veto competition. He kept antagonizing Jeff to get a rise out of him, but Jeff kept his cool even after Russell threatened him with a beating if they wind up in the jury house together.

Jordan however, let Russell push her buttons, she actually ran over and gave him a chest bump and said “I am not afraid of you”. Russell apparently is not afraid of Jordan either, because he continued to call her fat and told her to go eat some cookie dough.

Russell made one final attempt to stay in the house by trying to sway Kevin to keep him. Needless to say, Kevin wasn’t convinced of the benefit.

Meanwhile, Lydia surprised Jessie in the jury house. She was much more flirtatious and smitten, than angry as she had claimed to be. They should have fun together this week.

After Russell was evicted he left the BB house giving each HG a hug.

The HOH competition was a slippery one which involved the HG’s running back and forth for over four miles to fill a bowl with hot chocolate.

The HOH winner for this week is

Kevin. Do you think he will put up Jeff like he planned?? Or will his man crush stop him??
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