David Axelrod

David Axelrod :The House Republican Conference digs in today to a fact reported recently by Bloomberg’s im Burger: That the pharmaceutical lobby, PhRMA, has hired David Axelrod’s AKPD Media — a fact that raises eyebrows because Axelrod sold the firm under an agreement that left it owing him $2 million, a lot of money for a political media company.

Pennsylvania’s chapter of Organizing for America, the successor to President Obama’s net-driven grassroots campaign organization, got a new state spokeswoman today.

OFA Kerri Axelrod, no relation to Obama insider David Axelrod, was named the group’s lead Keystone State spokeswoman Monday. Axelrod interned for Sen. John Kerry, and volunteered for Obama in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina. She also served as deputy press secretary for the American Association of Justice, formerly known as the trial lawyers association.

She comes on board just in time to watch Obama lead an online forum for his OFA supporters on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. where they will talk health care reform strategy.

Here’s what Obama campaign guru David Plouffe told Obama supporters in an email today about the online forum: “Your work so far has been incredible. But the special interests and partisan attack groups who oppose reform will not let up, and they will tell whatever lies they can to spread fear. There’s a lot more work for all of us to do. This Thursday’s meeting is our chance to huddle as a team, get the latest information and talk about how we’re going to achieve this victory. You don’t want to miss it.”

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