Jaycee Lee Dugard pictures, photos, and slideshow

Jaycee Lee Dugard was found after being kidnapped for 18 years. Today, she has been reunited with her mother and is staying in a motel in Antioch, California. Although no one has seen current pictures of Jaycee Lee Dugard, the nation waits anxiously. Her photo had been age progressed using technology currently available. In addition to viewing pictures and photos of Jaycee Lee Dugard, her current photo, compared to the age progression picture could prove enlightening for other missing children cases. The picture of Jaycee Dugard as a child was used by many missing children organizations. Her face, though we haven’t seen how she has aged, has already been familiar to many.
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Miracles still happen on the earth. It happened with Jaycee Lee Dugard. She found alive after 18 years from her kidnapping. It is said, that she was only 10 years old when she was kidnapped by a station wagon. It is all described by her step-father who was looking it all from his garage. He saw that a station wagon stopped near Jaycee and a lady pulled him in wagon by force. He was helpless that time. He tried to pursue them but all in vain. He followed them by bike but could not safe his daughter, but he gave an authentic clue of the lady who was accompanied in this kidnapping.
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