Jaycee Lee Dugard pictures, photos, and slideshow

Jaycee Lee Dugard was found after being kidnapped for 18 years. Today, she has been reunited with her mother and is staying in a motel in Antioch, California. Although no one has seen current pictures of Jaycee Lee Dugard, the nation waits anxiously. Her photo had been age progressed using technology currently available. In addition to viewing pictures and photos of Jaycee Lee Dugard, her current photo, compared to the age progression picture could prove enlightening for other missing children cases. The picture of Jaycee Dugard as a child was used by many missing children organizations. Her face, though we haven’t seen how she has aged, has already been familiar to many.
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Jaycee Dugard Pictures:Jaycee Lee Dugard-Miracles still happen on the earth. It happened with Jaycee Lee Dugard.Jaycee Lee Dugard was found after being kidnapped for 18 years. Today, she has been reunited with her mother and is staying in a motel in Antioch, California.

Jaycee Dugard Pictures Jaycee Lee DugardJaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped in South Lake Tahoe. Her stepfather was said to have been a witness to the abduction. A fact that made him a former suspect for the crime.

Although no one
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It didn’t take a psychic gift to know that someone was going to claim they had predicted the safe return of kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard. Dayle Schear of Reno beat the others to the punch. Schear, who admits taking money eighteen years ago to help Jaycee’s parents find their daughter, was apparently able to offer no details that were able to help the police. Still, because she made the comforting prediction that Jaycee would come home alive (one of only two possible alternatives) she now claims to have been on target.

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