Obama’s Civilian Security Force Similar to Nazi SS, Fedayeen Saddam Paramilitary Groups

In the below video clip from Thursday’s Glenn Beck Show, Glenn Beck and his guests find vast similarities between the civilian national security force the Obama administration is trying to create through AmeriCorps and the paramilitary organizations Sturmabteilung (SA “Brown Shirts”) which was loyal to Hitler and Fedayeen Saddam which was loyal to Saddam Hussein.

MATTHEW SPALDING, THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION: “This is part of the government actually wanting to transform society and create a civilian corp with military aspects and how they’re gonna be dressed and how they talk to each other and how they communicate and how they show their allegiance … They’re trying to change people’s character in a fundamental way to have their allegiance to the state and the civil corp and the senior corp and the AmeriCorps, whatever it might be.”
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An Afghan-led force detained seven insurgents during a mission to capture a suspected insurgent leader in the Sar Hawza District of Paktika province, Aug. 26.

The Afghan national security force entered a medical clinic to capture the suspected militant leader, who was being treated in a clinic for injuries sustained during a fire fight on Afghanistan national election day.

ANSF were clearing the clinic when they received direct fire attack. International Security Assistance Force members and additional ANSF troops arrived to support the ANSF already on-scene.

After ensuring the clinic was cleared of civilians, an AH64 Apache helicopter fired rounds at the building, ending the direct threat and injuring the targeted insurgent in the building.

“This clearly shows the disparity between coalition forces and anti-Afghan forces when it comes to concerns for civilians caught in the crossfire,” said Maj. Matthew Gregory, Task Force Yukon Public Affairs.
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