Part-Time Diaper Free: Elimination Communication for the Rest of Us

Only last weekend I was musing on infant potty training and elimination communication (EC) - wondering whether it's really possible to go diaper-free if you're a working parent. (For more scoop on EC, check out Warren's post on 'potty whispering' or Kyeann's take on diaper free babies.) As a soon-to-be parent, I'm intrigued and attracted by the possibility of ditching diapers early, but find it hard to envision an intensive routine of EC. As I suspected in my first post, it's not all-or-nothing.

Charndra of Part-Time Diaper Free and other commenters made it clear that you can indeed adopt a more gradual approach - combining EC with cloth diapers, and simply giving your baby the option of using a potty as and when it works for your schedule.

Charndra has actually put together a free online guide (you need to join her site to gain access, but it is indeed a free resource) to gaining diaper-free confidence. She also wrote an online guide to explore whether part-time EC might work for you. Her list of statements to check include:

" Imagine you are quite happy to use diapers for pees, but know your baby's poop rhythms and signs well enough for baby to do virtually all of them in a potty. Wiping poo off your baby's soft skin is an uncommon activity for you, and you are very pleased with this!"
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