Lauren Tewes Story:Everyone loves good sex, but they don’t always know how to get it. Thankfully, sex advice columnists provide guidance, insight and space to allow people to talk about sex.
For years, Anna Pulley has been writing about relationships, sex toys and fetishes in various blogs. Anna’s now packing up the proverbial lesbian U-Haul and moving with her girlfriend to San Francisco in search of warmer weather and new blogging opportunities.
Today Anna joins us to take a look at what she has learned from writingabout sexuality. What’s the one thing that’s standing in most people’s way?
Could your Facebook profile be outing you? Two MIT students developed an algorithm to detect if a person is gay by analyzing their friends on Facebook. Will it be used to mathematically out closeted celebrities?
The Mac is back! 80s tabloid star and sitcom actress Mackenzie Phillips is on Oprah today, telling the painful story on how her famous father musician John Phillips of the Mommas and the Poppas shot her up with heroin and raped her as a young woman.
Allegedly she’s going to talk about how she was forced to have sex with Mick Jagger and what it was like to do cocaine with her now deceased friend actress Lauren Tewes, who played Julie McCoy on the Love Boat.
Gay rights activist Lawrence Perea is asking you to participate in the National March for Equality, even if you can’t make it to DC. To get the Chicago folks involved, LGBT Change is having a rally at Daley Plaza, Sunday October 11th. Will comedian Kathy Griffin show up? We know she’s in town that day!
Does porn make men go gay? A conservative Republican Senator’s Chief of Staff certainly thinks so.
An accused killer tells jury why she was inspired by Lorena Bobbit to cut off her father’s penis and cook it on the stove.read more
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