Pop That Zit

Popping zits is a pain in the butt, unfortunately for the average teenager and young adult it’s a part of life. Having to pop zits is more of a pain. They always come at the worst time (if there is such a thing as a good time) and in the worst spots. Many of the things we do to cover them up only make them worse (makeup). So what are we to do? The answer for many people is popping zits. This may provide a little bit of instant relief, but it can be very risky.

Preventing acne is the best way to not have to worry about popping zits. A healthy diet, drinking lots of water, and a strict skin care program will prevent zits from showing up. But what happens when you have clear skin and a zit pops up on the tip of your nose? Pop it, but do it very carefully.

Another thing to consider is when you pop zits. The best time to do it is before you lay down to go to bed. This will give it time to heal up over night, and it’s always pretty obvious when someone is walking around with a zit on their face that they just popped, not a pretty site. If you are popping a zit before bed, it’s best to lay down on a clean pillow case so that the goo that comes out of the zit isn’t absorbed by the pillow and smeared across the rest of your face.

Read on to learn how to pop zits the right way, as well as see my recommendations for acne treatments to help get rid of your zits for good.
