When consumers think of Black Friday, they think of superstores like WalMart, Target, Best Buy and more. This year shoppers are getting a head start on creating their Black Friday shopping lists by searching online. Target has been known to almost give away some of the year’s hottest items during their annual Black Friday sales.
Their weekly ad spot has not yet started to run the Target Black Friday ads, rather it appears to be some sort of pre-thanksgiving ad offering deep discounts on turkey basters, cooking utilities, stuffing and more.
Consumers who typically look to Target for discounts during Black Friday aren’t looking for turkey basters at half price – they want discounts on home-making items, electronics and other more useful items.
Rest assured, LAPR will keep you posted on the latest Target Ads and when the Target Black Friday Ad finally comes out we will be one of the first to bring it to you.
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Target Black Friday Ads 2009