Who Was The Admin of Hakstore

Who was the admin of Hakstore is the question everyone is asking...but what is Hakstore? Is it a place where self-designated hackers go shopping?

According to iPwner, a group of iPhone hackers got together to create a forum called Hakstore. Seems the hackers worked together to create an automated script cracking Apple's copyright protection on iPhone apps, allowing them to redistribute them without protection. The first app cracked by the hackers was Sega Super Monkey Ball.

Does iPwner answer who was the admin of Hakstore? Not exactly, but they provide history and suggest what the admin of Hakstore did was not legal. The Hakstore site went down, which was supposedly due to a letter from Apple's owner...then the site came back up. Later iPwner will announce the answer of who was the admin of Hakstore.

For more hack talk, check out Hackulous Troll Bridge...Or Hackulous Started Off As...meanwhile, check out a demo of Super Monkey Ball for iPhone:


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hakstore, hakstore admin, who is the cracker most credited with discovering the cracking method we use today, admin of hakstore, hackstore
