The element of indecency and horror is something that should not be regarded as to serve the purpose of the event. Girls demonstrate obscenity under the cover of Halloween. They wear mini-skirts and stockings. Exposing physical features has nothing to do with the custom we are following and is not conformity with the event which has religious roots since its inception thousands year ago. He is of the view that there are other suitable costumes which they can wear e.g. an YM medallion or Armor of God pedant. So there is great shortage of appropriate costumes that touch the real spirit of the celebrations.
The young generation is wearing anything their inner-self compels them to wear using Halloween as an excuse. The Mexican position on Halloween costumes is not confined to young girls’ obscene costumes. A second type of dresses is one which is worn to satisfy and project one’s instinctive desires to adopt some negative characters they unconsciously want to be. Their dresses expose their inner-self’s tendency towards adopting the role of a violent, horrible, and cruel person. Therefore the current tendency towards Halloween costumes is irrational keeping moral values aside and has nothing to with religious spirit of the event.
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