There have been a number of predictions over the weeks regarding WoW 3.3 Patch Notes, we can now tell you that the patch is now live and ready for you to download. This is the final installment of the Lich King saga, so you will have to make the most of it.
Rumors of the 3.3 patch begun last week some time, but it was not until last night that we got conformation of this. This latest patch will be available once Blizzard’s servers have gone through their regular maintenance downtime; this is according to a report from
If you head over to the PTR section of the official WoW site, then you will be able to view the patch notes just to see what updates are coming. One new feature that comes with the update is the Icecrown Citadel in Northrend; this will certainly end 2009 with a bang as it has been highly anticipated.
This is a huge dungeon where we get to see Arthas make his last stand, this will bring an end to this chapter of World of Warcraft. Blizzard are not rushing the expansion of the Icecrown Citadel, the developer will open one wing at a time.
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