Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Show East is already abuzz this year, before it has even officially begun. Of course, those in the film distribution and exhibition industries are getting ready to be dazzled by the latest and greatest “picture show” technologies, same as every year. Sure, the studios are sending some of their best star power (and above-the-line talent) down to Sunny Florida for a week of hobnobbing with theatre owners. Nuthin’ new there either. What is different this year is the fact that an “NC-17” film is being peddled and promoted…well as close to an NC-17 flick as veteran Show Easters (or is it “Show Easterners”) have ever experienced, anyway. And that is exciting; or more appropriately that is titillating.

Enter “Zack and Miri Make a Porno”. A few days prior to the screening, I was asked by a member of the Weinstein Company team what my favorite Kevin Smith movie was up to that point. Seldom being at a loss for words (as many of you can attest to), I played along.

“Mallrats,” says I, “Mallrats represents what Smith does best. It shows that he knows how to tell a good dirty joke, and I am a man who loves me a dirty joke. I honestly think he may have swayed a bit too far from that ranch with his last couple a’ three films. I, for one, wish he would come full circle and be that Kevin Smith again. ”

Perhaps it was more of an answer than he was expecting. Okay, definitely it was more of an answer than he was expecting. Regardless, he smiled a big company man smile and said simply, “You won’t be disappointed.” What can I say…he wasn’t lyin’.
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Yeah baby.

Zack and Miri has put the wind back in its Captain’s sails. I can only hope that Skipper Smith follows this wind to the next creative island or archipelago. But I digress.

Porno is easily one of the funniest comedies to come along in a coon’s age. Keep in mind, I have been something of a Comedy Curmudgeon for the last several years, saying everything short of “the genre is dead” (Okay, maybe I did say that after all). In any case, if this film is any indication, comedy is bouncing back. Set in the ‘Burg, the story follows platonic flatmates Zack and Miriam (Miri) who just can’t get seem to break free of the funk that they’re in. This all changes when they attend their 10 year high school reunion, which acts as the inspirational catalyst they need to end their woes by making a, you guessed it…porno.

Seth Rogen, with all do respect, has been party to some of those very comedies whose overall punch-line I just did not get (The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, etc.) But after seeing him shine as title character Zack, I gotta say I’m now a big fan. I see him being a comedic force to be reckoned with for some time. His no-bullshit delivery as Zack was a bull’s eye for me. He was able to keep the character in check, never letting it get too over-blown (which would have been so easy to do.) Rogen proves that he has real comedic chops and tip-top timing.