There were so many new and temporary pairings on tonight's competitive debut of the Top 20 that I don't think it's fair to judge all the performances.
I will pick out my favorite couples based on tonight, however:
Bianca Revels and Vict

Ellenore Scott and Ryan Di Llelo. They're a hot couple. I had basically already picked them out as the best-looking individuals in the competition, and now they're paired up and I have high hopes for them. I don't always like Sonya Tayeh dances as much as I would like to, and this was another example of a dance that I think really could have soared more and gone weirder, but I think we saw a great example of Ryan getting into a role and not being a ballroom guy. Meanwhile, I still love Ellenore's sexy quirkiness.
Kathryn McCormick and Legacy Perez. These two surprised me. I didn't take Legacy seriously because his name is "Legacy," and I didn't take Kathryn seriously because of all the high-pitched cry-talking last week. But Kathryn especially did a better job than I expected on Dave Scott's caveman hip-hop dance. This could be one of those cute petite fun couples that forms great chemistry as the season goes on. They rendered Mary Murphy pretty much incoherent too.
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