San Francisco- Comedy Central is all set to showcase a brand new animated series ‘Ugly Americans’ that is scheduled to be screened for the first time in the month of March in 2010. The American television channel would be showcasing seven episodes in the half an hour show that is based on an original concept by illustrator Devin Clark, who also produces the show.
Lauren Corrao, the president of original programming and development of Comedy Central has announced that the production of the pilot episode of the show has already been initiated and the show would be aired around the first half of next year. The animation in the series has been handled by Augenblick Studios in New York with David Stern contributing in developing and producing the show. David Stern is also the producer of the much acclaimed comedy series ‘The Simpsons’.
The basic storyline of “Ugly Americans” is based on the life of Mark Willy, who is a social worker working for the Department of Immigration in New York City. The unique part of the animated series is that it has a number of characters from the world of horror and science fiction who live in New York as ordinary citizens. The interesting feature is that it is the human character of Willy that actually helps these wide variety of characters to adapt to their new lives in the human society. When Willy is not busy handling the weird characters, he is struggling to fix his own life. At the same time, Comedy Central has also emphasized that “Ugly Americans” is expected to be appreciated by the audiences as it would turn out to be an immensely entertaining experience.
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