The announcements don’t come until later tonight when we have to endure Fox’s coverage for unveiling the B.C.S. bowls for the final time. But after talking to numerous sources around college football today, I’ve come up with a bowl lineup.
It includes the matchup that will generate the biggest buzz of the bowl season outside the national title game, a matchup of undefeated T.C.U. and Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl. It’s a shocking pick in many regards, as bowl games featuring non-B.C.S. teams rate historically low. The two teams also played last year in the Poinsettia Bowl, drawing a 3.7 rating. There were 14 bowl games rated higher. (T.C.U. won, 34,628 people attended. I watched and rather enjoyed it.)
It appears there will be two ratings clunkers, as T.C.U. and Boise have small fan bases and no tradition of rating well. Georgia Tech and Iowa isn’t exactly a scintillating matchup for TV either.
Here are the B.C.S. games. We’ll have a full lineup later when all this mess is sorted out.
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